Saturday, April 30, 2011

Android XMPP integration with Google Talk

Often mobile phone need integration to Instant Messaging services. Most of the modern IMs support XMPP. XMPP is pretty need considering big companies like Google and Facebook support it. For this android application we used Smack APIs. Would be cool to create a crowd sourcing application like advark for movie/restaurant recommendation .

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Super Sales - Sales Performance Management on Android

Lot of times we had issues of missed follow-up, lost in track record of clients communication. And we didn't have any sort of CRM implemented. So we decided to hack up and app that will allow us to manage leads and our sales team. Right now its under testing, we plan to use Google Docs as backend as its free and require no special server provisioning this helps SME like ourselves. Cool feature with this app will be location integration, so visually you get an idea of what areas are covered. Where chances of sales are pretty high etc.

We don't plan to have comprehensive analytics, just the basic to get it right first and then iterate over it.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Introducing Hackage

Fafadia Tech is now on github, starting today we will be pushing more code on github. I would like to take this opportunity to officially announce Hackage. Hackage is collection of scripts that we would want to share with our fellow developers. With our first release of sms.rb, you can now send SMS right from command line.

If you are penny pincher, like most of us you know about its a site that allows you to group SMS your friends. With sms.rb you can send messages by simply

$jruby sms.rb mobile message

It has dependency on jruby and celerity (headless browser that has ruby interfaces). Have any suggestions/bug to report contact Colin Thomas (or CT as we call him) one of our Software Engineers.

Hack on, Fafadia Tech.

Monday, April 25, 2011

SME Case Study: InCtrl -- Construction materials trading software

Bhoomi Trading Corporation is company that deals with constructions material. Current state of company didn't use any sort of computerized record keeping system. Fafadia Tech's InCtrl product line we build a custom solution for them. The screenshot given above is showing report of Purchases Tax by product. This is one of the many reports we have provided, the key use cases which this product was built around is
  • Automated billing and inventory software
  • One-click retrieval of different dispatch relavant documents
  • Reports and summary of accounts
It was a great learning experience for us, once again I would like to thank our team members Rahul Singh, Shailendra Yadav and Prateek Nair. It once again shows our commitment to Small and Medium Enterprises.

Fafadia Tech Vision: Help Small and Medium Enterprise become more efficient, reliable and competitive by use of Technology.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Football and iPad - Mock NFL App

There is a lot of excitement around use of technology in football. Here is one such example. Fafadia Tech always looks at opportunities that enable us in improving our own skill. Jobin Kurian, our iOS Developer is working on a mock NFL app. This app basically allows to draft players and share it amongst teams. Integration with GameKit for sharing is in works. So people drafting on the field can share it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

SMEs in India

With intention to use data to guide our decision making, the question we had on our minds was "What is distribution of SME in India?" To answer this question I compiled a simple excel sheet that shows number of listed results from India Trade Pages.

Now I know there could be a lot of debate over authenticity of data, I am not claiming its perfect -- nevertheless a good beginning.

Also checkout the graph where I show distribution amongst Top 15 cities and ranked in decreasing order.

Workout & Diet Now on Android Market

There are tons of Gym rats around us, chances are you know a few. One such health fanatic happens to work at Fafadia Tech. Rohan Bomle our Software Engineer has created a gyming application for his buddies. Workout and Diet is now on live on Anroid Market.

Its Fafadia Tech's first Android Health App. On the side note he has also submited this app to India Developer Android Content so go ahead and vote for us.